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Showing posts from November, 2020

Will we be able to teach ethics to robots?

T he emergence of 5G technology combined with the fast-pace machine learning evolution, as well as all the tools that raises Artificial Intelligence possibilities, are enabling what specialists have been calling the fourth industrial revolution, which is definitely going to lead us right to a still unreliable robot era. While the IT industry has been focused on launching high engineering advances that will provide autonomy to machines and popularize driverless cars, delivery services by drones and other kinds of specific knowledges that will be perfectly filled by robots, developers and society face a tough question not yet solved by machine learning: how to program ethic values to artificial intelligence? Will a robot be able to make decisions beyond its algorithms, driving to the right way when facing a dilemma? How are human scientists going to create a moral statement, or some standards simulator, that contemplates so many unpredictable situations and which allows the machine to de...